VERBAELL B.V is the leader of the Rotterdam, Russian oil sector and the largest global public oil and gas corporation. Verbaell Oil Company is focused on exploration and appraisal of hydrocarbon fields, Tank Storage, production of oil, gas, and gas condensate, offshore field development projects, feedstock processing, sales of oil, gas, and refined products in the territory of Russia and abroad

Verbaell B.V Tank farm provides tank storage services that have a storage capacity of 904,633 m³ of storage capacity and 590 tanks of every size and types. As one of the independent shipping and logistics corporations with provision for Petroleum and Petrochemical Storage Services worldwide, we provide coated or mild steel and stainless steel storage tanks for our customers. Our facilities allow the handling of a highly diversified base of products, including edible and vegetable oils, base oils, petrochemicals, non-hazardous chemicals, biodiesel, liquid agricultural products, fuel oil, middle distillates, and gasoline.

We have storage Tank Farm in practically all world safe ports and connections We store vital products with care. With over 400 years of history and a focus on sustainability, we ensure safe, clean, and efficient storage and handling of bulk liquid products and gases for our customers. By doing so, we enable the delivery of products that are vital to our economy and daily lives, ranging from chemicals, oils, gases, and LNG to biofuels and vegoils.

VERBAELL's Management is socially responsible for each specialist of the Company to its considerable extent. The Company's social policy based on PJSC Tatneft many-years experience is aimed at the involvement and retention of highly qualified personnel. It is directed to provision of favorable working conditions, leisure, housing and medical services for Company personnel and members of their family

VERBAELL B.V has dispatched and processed altogether more than 13 million tons of oil and chemical products including the export of nearly 3 million tons. Implementing new approaches to management, resources, and production, Verbaell specialists proved that oil processing in Tatarstan can be really profitable.

Verbaell Logistics also offers cargo supply in sizes of 1.000 – 500.000 MT. The cargoes are typically sold basis delivery to the clients' own shore tanks or can be delivered ex installation. Our product expertise is especially focussed on fuel oil, auto diesel, heating oil, gas oil, marine gasoil (MGO), marine gas oil (DMA), F75, F76, JET-A1, F35 Jet, F54, F44, RMD-80, and bitumen. Fuel oil covers several products such as high sulphur and low sulphur fuel oils as well as grades from IFO30, IFO60, IFO80, IFO120, IFO180, IFO380, and straight run fuel oil.

Please contact us for flexible and reliable bunkering by truck, ex pipe and by barge:  [email protected]